HELP NEEDED With our growing numbers we are seeking your help in ALL areas BUT would especially welcome anyone willing to give a hand coaching, Without enough coaches, we can't function as a club - whether you were fond of sport in your youth or you have been getting out during lock-down doing walks and a few runs we would welcome your help. Below are some of the areas we need your help for.
We currently need support in compiling and updating lists of coaches and volunteers, recording who has been vetted, when vetting runs out to remind on renewals, recording who has done their safeguarding courses and sending reminder emails. You would work with our Child Protection Officer - this is an admin role primarily around the maintenance of a spreadsheet, it is not a huge overhead , maybe a couple of hours a month.
Coaching Our coaches would tell you that they get an enormous satisfaction and payback from being out and about in the evenings after work, helping develop our athletes potential and confidence, getting them fitter and keeping them healthy.
You will not be alone, We will pair you with an experienced coach, you can do some of the excellent courses provided by Athletics Ireland and there are tons of ready made training plans prepared by our head coach ready for you to use in your athlete sessions.
We would love your help even if you can only do 1 night a week- Any help big or small will benefit your child and the Club.